Bridgend Indoor Market to host half term children’s sessions

Bridgend Market

Bridgend Indoor Market will be a hub of activity this autumn half term, hosting children’s arts and crafts sessions throughout the week.

Taking place between 11am to 2pm, the activities will begin on 31 October with Halloween themed crafts led by Alison Moger and on the 2 and 4 of November, children will be invited to create autumn inspired art with Tanio.

While the events are free, children must be accompanied by an adult and it is also advisable to book, since spaces are limited.

Whilst visiting the market, accompanying adults are being encouraged to enjoy the diversity of stalls that are on offer, as well as the series of new pop-up businesses that will be showcasing their products.

The new businesses are part of the Pop-Up Wales initiative – a project which provides new enterprises with business space and wraparound support, including access to funding and grants.

“Bridgend Indoor Market has recently benefitted from refurbishment and is now able to host a variety of schemes, including the children’s autumn craft sessions – echoing the popular Kids’ Club that was held here during the summer months – as well as a range of pop-up businesses.

“We would really like it if people could come to visit and see for themselves the rich range of stalls available, as well as how the investment into the market has benefitted the space, by providing a new market square, baby changing facilities, wheelchair accessible toilets and more.”

Councillor Neelo Farr, Cabinet Member for Regeneration

Funding for both the Kids Club activities and pop-up business stalls is being provided as part of the £120,000 funding that the council has received from the UK Government through the UK Community Renewal Fund for delivering the Bridgend Elevate and Prosper Project.

An additional £11,800 match funding has been received via the Welsh Government’s Transforming Towns initiative, which is a Welsh Government programme providing support for the revitalisation of town centres in Wales.