Cabinet to consider outcomes of latest Estyn visits

The Cabinet of Bridgend County Borough Council when it meets next week will receive a report documenting the outcomes of recent visits by Estyn to local schools.

The report will cover visits by Estyn inspectors to Plasnewydd Primary and Ogmore Vale Primary as well as a review of progress made at Cefn Cribwr Primary and Archbishop McGrath Catholic High School.

Following visits in November 2021, Plasnewydd Primary School and Ogmore Vale Primary School were judged by Estyn to have made sufficient progress against the education and training inspectorate’s recommendations, and were removed from the list of schools requiring special measures.

The report outlines how the local authority will continue to monitor and support the schools according to their needs, and build on the improvements already made.

It details how Cefn Cribwr Primary School was also removed from the list of schools requiring Estyn review after it was judged to have made appropriate progress in respect of the key issues for action, and in developing the capacity to continue to bring about improvements following a visit in December 2021.

In the same month, the progress of Archbishop McGrath Catholic High School was reviewed by Estyn, who noted that while good progress had been made, it should remain under review to ensure that improvements were embedded throughout the school.

All other schools in the county are classified as satisfactory or good in their most recent assessments.

Cabinet will meet to discuss the outcomes of the Estyn reports at 2.30pm on Tuesday 8 February 2022.